Vega Awards Silver Winner


Elevated Look & New Website For Indispensable Branding Firm

Entrant Company



Website & Mobile Sites - Best Visual Design - Aesthetics

Client's Name


Country / Region

United States

The FullSurge team are experts at building brands. They work with the world’s leading companies to redefine the branding landscape by uncovering the nuances and complexities that make each brand truly indispensable. Recognizing the power of a captivating online presence, FullSurge’s Managing Partner, Mitch Duckler embarked on a mission to revolutionize their website, envisioning a transformative platform that would resonate with their audience on a whole new level. Driven by FullSurge’s relentless pursuit of excellence, Rocketship set out to create a website that would transcend industry standards and captivate visitors with its ingenuity. Our initial website audit revealed that FullSurge was losing prospects to missed design opportunities. The old page structures, CTAs, and navigation did not guide website visitors toward the desired next steps. We held several brand messaging workshops with the FullSurge team to understand the brand at its core, including how they wanted to portray themselves and who they wanted to reach. We compared word choices and styles until we had developed a brand identity that perfectly represented FullSurge — a visionary brand consultancy. We harnessed the power of the HubSpot CMS to provide an elevated design, improved architecture, and flawless UX for FullSurge.


Chief Strategist
Creative Director
Lead Developer
Lead Web Designer
Content Manager
Social Media
Mali & Friends | Vega Website Awards 2023 Winner

Entrant Company

Mali & Friends

Social Media (Campaign) - News / Information

Country / Region

United States

Website & Mobile Sites
FWD People | Vega Website Awards 2023 Winner

Entrant Company

FWD People

Website & Mobile Sites - Design / Web Agency

Country / Region

United States

Owned Media
United Heritage Credit Union | Vega Website Awards 2023 Winner

Entrant Company

United Heritage Credit Union

Owned Media (Campaign) - eAnnual Report

Country / Region

United States

Website & Mobile Sites
REN Pro, S.A. | Vega Website Awards 2023 Winner

Entrant Company

REN Pro, S.A.

Website & Mobile Sites - Best User Experience

Country / Region
