Vega Awards Gold Winner Winner


Peoples National Bank of Kewanee Website Redesign

Entrant Company



Website & Mobile Sites - Banking

Client's Name

Peoples National Bank of Kewanee

Country / Region

United States

Peoples National Bank of Kewanee was looking for a complete departure from the function and style of their current site. To develop a theme, we used their logo and style of their Frank Lloyd Wright designed Dwight, IL branch location as inspiration. As a result, this theme emphasizes rectangles and thin lines. We partitioned sections of the site into grids and stacked them together to create the foundation of each page. Splashes of red and teal were used to call attention to key features and offers.

On the interior pages, minimalistic accordions provide users with additional information without overwhelming them as soon as they land on the page. In contrast to the layout of the current, we placed the main navigation in a collapsible sidebar along the left side of the site. Users can access the main navigation at any time no matter how far they’ve scrolled down a page. Important information such as contact info, FAQs, search and online banking remain in familiar locations along the top of the site. We enjoyed working with PNB Kewanee. It was a great experience helping them create a site that reflects on their past as well as being more user-friendly going forward.

Social Media
Gravity Global | Vega Website Awards 2023 Winner

Entrant Company

Gravity Global

Social Media (Campaign) - Food & Beverage

Country / Region

United Kingdom

Website & Mobile Sites
Lucille Yutien Huang | Vega Website Awards 2023 Winner

Entrant Company

Lucille Yutien Huang

Website & Mobile Sites - Pets & Animals

Country / Region

United States

Apps & Softwares
Da Vinci | Vega Website Awards 2023 Winner

Entrant Company

Da Vinci

Apps & Softwares - Family & Kids

Country / Region


Video / Online Video
Player One Trailers | Vega Website Awards 2023 Winner

Entrant Company

Player One Trailers

Video / Online Video (Single) - Best Audio / Sound Design

Country / Region

United States